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Fiori di Cannabis CBD Moonrock

14 recensioni
Prodotto naturale, simile all’immagine
  • Resinous aroma
  • Swiss production
  • EU licensed hemp plant
  • 70.10% CBD · 0.20% THC max.
  • Not suitable for consumption
1 grammo12.00 €
2 grammi22.00 €
5 grammi50.00 €
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You can't get more CBD! Our „Moonrocks“ are a very special strain that impress with their unbelievable 70.10% CBD content. This is only possible due its special coating made from CBD extract and potent CBD pollen.

CBD pollen is a type of hashish made up of trichomes and resins from the CBD bud. Already potent buds are coated with this pollen, resulting in an impressive CBD content of 70.10%.

When vaporized or smoked, „Moonrocks“ CBD cannabis flowers have an intensely resinous smell. When used correctly, the smoke from this CBD-containing flower can have a calming, pain-relieving, antipsychotic and anxiety-relieving effect

The plant as the base for this product is organically grown in Switzerland under artificial light in an indoor greenhouse and processed into „Moonrocks“ in further production.

Due to its resinous smell, „Moonrock“ is ideally suited as an incense processed for aromatherapy, for the production of oils and cosmetics or for the production of tea and similar products.

The flowers are only sold for commercial or scientific purposes. Not suitable for consumption.

Recensioni (14)

Tedesco (10)
Olandese (4)

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Prodotti comparabili

Opuscolo informativo

Nome del prodotto Moonrock
Aroma resinoso
Paese di coltivazione Svizzera
Tipo di coltivazione interno
CBD 70.10 %
THC 0.18 %
CBG 0.03 %

I nostri fiori

Solo fiori di cannabis da piante di canapa certificate UE.
Vendita per scopi commerciali o scientifici.
Tutti i fiori soddisfano il limite richiesto di 0.20% di THC.


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